This is an exciting time for Awen!
We have the materials, the people, and the conditions to reimagine education for the 21st Century. However, we are a young organisation and have not yet established reliable income sources with which to sustain ourselves over the longer term. The goal is for the tribe to eventually run auxiliary businesses and income streams that are co-created by our students and align with our core ethics. Whilst these are being established we are looking for funding from donations and grants that can cover operating costs and help to seed fund more learning communities.
We believe that support of major donors, trusts, and foundations can enable our ambitious plans for the next 3-5 years and help us to develop a network of partners who support our vision of a new, more human form of education, but even the smallest donation will help us continue our work.
Our fundraising goes towards…
- Sustaining our current community, recruiting amazing educators and students
- Documenting our model and sharing it with the world as an open source blueprint
- Gathering evidence of our impact and building a case for medium term funding

Make a donation
By donating to the Awen Project you can help us turn children’s lives around, and be a part of raising a generation of intelligent, creative, responsible adults who can be the change we need to see in the world.