Do you want to help us build a new system for education?
The Awen Project is pioneering an education system fit for the 21st century, that nurtures young people to achieve their potential and fosters a collective sense of community that we need more than ever.
As an education charity, we need your support to continue to offer places for students since we are free to attend for all students and receive no statutory funding. Your support can help to sustain our community and build a movement for change within education, whether that is with money or products and services in kind.
Why not join us for a team building day with your colleagues? You could help us to develop our woodland site - constructing a shelter on site, preparing a growing area for wild foods - or take part in the democratic processes that our students use every day to manage their community. Our experienced facilitators can lead your team through playful warm up activities and community-building activities, develop an agenda based on what is present for the group, and then support everyone through the day. Our magical woodland setting is far more inspiring than any off-site meeting space - and your money will be supporting a local charity instead of some wealthy corporate landlord!